Digital Security



Dealing with digital security is time consuming.

Whether you are an expert or a not,
that is time you could use to focus on your company.

Entrust your digital security to Loowee,
and use that time to focus on the growth and success of your business.

The Data and Service protection matters

Recent scientific researches and high-profile famous hacking attacks have proven that digital security remains the most critical issue to any business of this era.

Organizations that conducts they operations online or anyway with remote connections are the most sensitive to this subject.

This because servers are the most targeted public faces of an organization, since they manage sensitive data and/or services they usually host.

For this reason securing a server is as important as securing the the final serving applications themselfs and the whole network around them.

We tell our clients:
"Your company’s digital security is as strong as its weakest point.
It will be the smallest security flaw to put your business at a huge risk".

To support companies with their technological infrastructures we offer a long experience and a deep know-how.

Do not waste your time, hire the experts!

Avoid protection strategy errors

Do not trust security companies advertising a 360° digital security turnkey service. Why? Because that's only a beautiful statement, but in the real world does not exist any universal solution for digital security.

Possibly they could be fast and good to update your technological inrastracture, but unfortunately that's not enough to reach the digital protection goal.

New technologies
are almost always better in performance than the previous ones, and for this reason everyone wants to stay up to date, but this is not always a pro.

It's very common to spot weakness in the security of new technologies mainly in the first days of their life cycle: you have already heard about zero-day exploits.

Sometimes because new technologies are (badly) developed too fast, possibly for market reasons, taking with them design errors.

Sometimes because they are built on top of previous well-known weak technologies.

The key to success is to always keep in mind that the main targets of the digital security for every organization are to prevent data leak out and denial of services, beyond the latest available technologies.

Let's start designing the digital protection strategy for your infrastructure today!

Design a Custom Tailored Digital Protection

Each organization, like yours, chooses among different technologies
depending on their needs and goals, as like as on other factors according to their internal policies, monthly budget and, more common than one could expect, to the local law.

The result at the end is that the security strategy fitting for a company is totally useless for another one adopting other technologies, or even the same technologies but with different factors explained right above, despite they could have the same needs.

For these reasons, the only way you have to get the more efficient digital security service, is asking for a custom tailored protection strategy to be designed taking into account every technological and legal aspect from the most important to the less significant.

Request a free quote!
After a brief meeting, in person o remotely, we will be already able to send you a first draft of the right digital security service for your company.

Then after further discussions on the topic we can agree on the best starting solution taking into account your budget and your internal policies...

Select the services you need and contact us...

We are ready. Let's talk!

Start building your Digital Brand Identity today!

Just send a message with a short description of what you need,
and we will contact you back as soon as possible!

Additionally if you prefer you could also contact us by making a phone call at this number:  (+39)  331 . 97 . 16 . 502!

Please write here the text you see in the picture above.

Proudly made with Love in Napoli !

We guarantee the best efforts for every service we provide...